Lani her interactive reddit
Lani her interactive reddit

lani her interactive reddit

These obviously may not be completely true, but according to the rumors Lani had some inappropriate relationships with fans (I don’t know the nature of the relationships) and broke her NDA by disclosing confidential information about the games before official statements were made. The employee told me that Lani was fired before the employee joined the company so they weren’t 100% sure why she was replaced, but there was plenty of office rumors surrounding the replacement. What really happened to Lani Minella? HER announced very early on that they were replacing the voice actress of Nancy and although I personally didn’t mind the new voice actress, I was always curious about why they chose to fire the person who had voiced the character in all the other games. The employee said he did not care about his job and therefore did not put any effort into fostering good relations with the fans. Furthermore, according to the employee, the head of PR (I don’t remember his name) was lazy and didn’t care about the game. Therefore, instead of giving false information to fans or promising more than they could deliver (haha), HER decided to simply say nothing at all. The employee told me that the new CEO, Penny Milliken, was from Disney and at Disney the PR philosophy was that you couldn’t say anything detrimental to the game if you didn’t say anything at all. The reason they handled public relations this way is two fold. It seemed like a slap in the face to life long fans that HER refused to answer any questions or release information. My second question was focused on the lack of information HER provided fans about the status of the game/release date. Personally, I always thought the opening scene of MID that was set in Austria always seemed out of place for the game, but knowing the developers were Austrian now causes the opening scene to make sense They promised HER they could create a game on par with the other games, but they did not have these abilities so MID simply. The employee told me that HER decided to contract out the development of MID to an Austrian company (Mi’pu’mi games) and the company simply offered far more than they could deliver. I know they decided to switch to unity, but that’s a commonly used video game platform that can turn out much better results than we experienced with MID. My number one question was why MID was so different from the past games/why almost everything about it was a step down from the past games. So here are several things I learned about MID and Her as a company: I wanted to share the information I learned with the Nancy Drew community, but I know HER has a tendency to delete anything negative that people post about the games on their official message board, so I decided to post my findings here. However, I recently stumbled upon a disgruntled former HerInteractive employee who was willing to answer some of my questions about why MID sucked so bad (in my opinion) and why HER handled things they way they did. Specifically, their tendency to not release any information about the game or answer any questions about why the game was being delayed.

lani her interactive reddit lani her interactive reddit

Hello fellow Nancy Drew clue crew! I have been a fan of these games for over ten years and like many people, I was thoroughly disappointed with not only Midnight in Salem as a game, but also the way HerInteractive handled the public relations and multiple setbacks/delays this game faced.

Lani her interactive reddit